no-code automation platform

One App to
Rule Them All

Automate business workflow in minutes and integrate end-to-end operations on a secure platform. Anyone can build their apps with low to no coding knowledge.
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All Digital Workplace Solutions in One Place

Choose the Best Monthly/Yearly Plan that Fits for your Business

Digital Workplace

Streamline your business operations and dynamic workflows in minutes.

Workflow Management

Smooth-out routine business processes for better efficiency.


Manage data and tasks to reduce investment, and resource.


Build an excellent customer support experience and boost agent productivity with Yorodesk.


Online form builder that lets you build mobile-ready online forms.


Yorodrive offers personal & shared cloud storage let you save & share files.


Plan your projects, collaborate with your team, and track your work smartly.


YoroCRM is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different businesses.


Online form builder that lets you build mobile-ready online forms.


Save all the files in a online and centralized platform securely.


Yorodrive offers personal & shared cloud storage let you save & share files.

Mobile Apps

Download yoroflow mobile apps from Android and iOS stores.

What Is Yoroflow?

Yoroflow's no-code automation platform has everything you and your team need to manage any work they take on, starting from highly structured and sophisticated to quick task boards. All your task in just a single platform. Whether you run just a team or a company, a digital workplace provides you with the transparency, power, and flexibility you need.
Feature of no-code automation software

Connect All Favorite Tools You Use Daily!

We offer an extensive range of solutions which helps the clients to execute the best practices in the industry.  

Digitalize Workforce with All-in-One No-Code Automation Platform

Replace most of the apps in place with Yoroflow and make it easy for your team to automate their processes with few clicks. 

HR Workplace

Smart HR workplace uses human resource workflow automation tools to digitize the tasks and streamline the document process, assigning HR departments high efficiency and time reduction while controlling the potential for manual mistakes.


Plan, execute, track, analysis of a sales and marketing initiative through our CRM automation tool. We will help businesses oversee the perspectives of campaign automation. It enables the launching, planning, coordinating, and tracking of all marketing campaigns.

Project Management

Yoroflow's project management software helps teams and project managers collaborate and meet targets on time while managing cost, time, and resources. It also helps project managers monitor their project status and manage the project resources.


Yoroflow's procurement management software helps generate purchasing files and documents and the management workflow for quick review and approval. It will help better manage supplier relationships with a streamlined workflow.

Real Estate

Manage all aspects of real estate management from a single solution. Whether a property manager or a landlord with multiple units, this solution is your one-stop platform. You can centralize your data and streamline workflows.

School Automation

A cost-effective school automation software for switching from paper-based processes to digital ones also gets your work done across departments. Optimizing your educational workflows with our automation software can play a vital role in your digital workplace.

Online Form Builder

Yoroflow's online form builder software is a simple and easy-to-use interface. It includes drag and drop features and templates that make it easy to get started. It includes a built-in email capture feature and password protection for your forms.

Helpdesk Software

Enforce customers and agents with flawless transitions and accessibility in their channel of choice at any point. Integrate various communicational experiences, including web, mobile, live chat, and contact center support through AI-powered helpdesk software.

Online Cloud Storage

Yoroflow has a range of online cloud storage solutions that will provide you with the right amount of storage space – no matter how much you require. When it comes to collaboration, easy file sharing is an important feature. It allows you to share them fast.

Document Management

With Yoroflow's document management system, you and your team can easily share, view, edit, and organize documents anytime. Assign tasks, add comments, mention users, chat and collaborate on files in real-time.

Frequently Asked Questions

A no-code automation platform allows users to build and automate workflows without needing coding skills. It uses a visual interface to streamline tasks, enhance productivity, and integrate tools quickly and efficiently. 

Yorosis enhances productivity through Yoroflow, a no-code automation platform that streamlines workflows by automating repetitive tasks. This empowers teams to reduce manual efforts, optimize processes, and improve efficiency without needing coding expertise. 

No-code automation enables faster workflow creation, reduces the need for technical expertise, and enhances team productivity by automating repetitive tasks. It empowers teams to quickly adapt processes and collaborate more efficiently. 


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